About us
What is BeSEDiM?
BeSEDiM stands for Belgian Society of Emergency and Disaster Medicine. In other words, we are the Belgian scientific association for emergency medicine.
What we do?
In a science-based way, we represent emergency medicine. This is done in various ways. For example, by assisting and advising the government or by representation at (inter)national congresses, creating an extensive network of emergency physicians resulting in (inter)national collaborations such as international studies. We then feed these back to you via the website.
Given the current and future challenges for emergency medicine, such as lower assistant quotas, high burn-out rates, development and organisation of trauma centres, overcrowding of emergency departments, performing sedations, ... it is necessary to work together and form an emergency community to represent emergency medicine faster, more adequately and supported by its members.
Every year we organise the Belgian Congress of Emergency Medicine and other activities such as an online seminar are planned.
On our website, we collect useful information for emergency doctors (Portal-s and Event-s).
We give financial and practical support to original research in the form of statistical or methodological assistance (R-aiders).
Vacancies can also be found on our website (Vacancies).
Who are we?
Since January 2023, a new board has been elected consisting of:
- Prof Dr Van de Voorde (UZ Gent) (chairman)
- Dr Lemoyne (UZA)
- Dr Depuydt (AZ Sint-Lucas Gent)
- Dr Daveloose (UZ Gent)
- Dr Genbrugge (CUSL Brussels)
- Dr Gillebeert (ZNA)
Furthermore, the core group is supported by:
Dr Piazza, Dr Stiers, Dr Van Overloop, Dr Roggen, Dr Somville, Dr Van Asbroeck, Dr Dewolf, Dr De Rouck, Dr Monsieurs, Dr Anseeuw, Dr Ghuysen, Dr Hoste, Dr Sabbe, Dr Hosten, Dr Steenebruggen, Dr Delloye, Dr Gilbert & Dr Bavestrellopic.
A new board is elected every four years in which any besedim member can stand for election. The next election is scheduled for 2027. If you would like to become a more active member in the meantime, you can always contact us so that you can join the extended core group.
In the future, we would like to support you even more. To do so, we would like to highlight interesting Belgian research within emergency medicine and keep you informed about the ins and outs of emergency medicine more often.
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