21/03/2025: Symposium of Belgian Defence - Damage Control Surgery in war
Symposium: Damage Control Surgery in war
Military Hospital Queen Astrid, Neder-Over-Heembeek
Defence wants to motivate as many emergency physicians as possible to attend the symposium on 21/03/2025.
The target audience includes MD's, fellows, residents working in trauma centers, as well as anyone with an interest in Damage Control Surgery (DCS). Accreditation credits, including ethics & economics have been requested.
Participation is free, but they kindly request a €10 contribution to cover coffee and lunch. Please complete your registration through the following link and make payment to bank account number BE70 0011 4653 2825 before 15th March 2025.
07.30h - 08.10h Coffee & registration.
08.10h - 08.15h Opening symposium.
08.15h - 09.00h Situational awareness & geopolitical context.
09.00h - 10.00h Damage control resuscitation and the use of alternative blood products by Colonel Dr. Pierre-Michel François.
10.00h - 10.20h Break.
10.20h - 10.30h Message from the Belgian Chief of Defence General Frederik Vansina.
10.30h - 11.30h Training in Damage Control Surgery based on experiences in France, Ukraine and Armenia by General Prof. Dr. François Pons, French Armed Forces.
11.30h - 12.30h Surgical Treatment following Damage Control Surgery for War Victims in Kharkiv, Ukraine by Dr. Kinga Zastawna, Poznan University of medical sciences.
12.30h - 13:45 Lunch.
13.45h - 14.45h Preparing for War Surgery: The Dutch Approach to 'The Surgeon of the Future' by Colonel Dr Edith Willigendael, The Netherlands Armed Forces.
14.45h - 15.45h Moral injury amongst healthcareworkers during armed conflicts.
15.45h - 16.00h Closing remarks.